Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Reflection #10- Experience in EME2040
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Reflection #9- Technology in instruction
I never really thought of exactly how many opportunities technology brings into the educational field. In this class, I’ve learned so many mechanisms that involve technology in the process of instruction. Technology is a great way to get students motivated and excited about learning. If you think about it, If you are teaching a lecture straight from the book, you are most likely to bore the students to death. However, a teacher can combine that same lesson with the use of computers. There are now many new programs that make learning fun for students. There are reading, math, social studies, science, and even physical education programs that students can use to better their knowledge in the subjects. Technology has token a major leap from what it was back when I was in elementary. Students are more motivated in a lesson once they know they will be using computers, even if it is for educational purposes. There are websites students can access from their houses where they can practice their skills or even complete homework. Teachers can assign students a tellecollaborative lesson where they can communicate with students all over the world via internet. The internet open up millions of doors and opportunities for teachers and students. They can use email, messaging, and chatting to communicate with other students and learn about their native land. Teachers can also assign students research projects where students can search the world wide web for information regarding their subject. Websites such as google, and yahoo, and ask are just a few of the amazing websites brought up by technology. The possibilities with technology in the classroom are endless. Another great instructional method involving education are digital stories. Even though I have yet to create my very own, I have researched on them and they are definitely fun, creative, and educational. Whether it be a teacher creating one to instruct students or even having students create their very own to present to the class, they’re awesome! They are a great way to get students to have a visual and audio representation of the lesson being taught. It is a fact that the more senses involved in a lesson, the more likely a student is to catch on to what is being taught. Having a student create their own digital story gives them an opportunity to experiment with technology while still making sure they grasp the concept of the lesson. They’re a great way to unleash the student’s creativity and talents in each slide. Overall, Including technology in education and instruction is very crucial and important. Technology is becoming part of our everyday lives and it is important that we prepare our students for it.
Reflection #8- Educational philosophy
We all have different thoughts and approaches to education. This creates our educational philosophy or outlook. My educational philosophy would be a constructivist one. The constructivist approach stresses that we all, as learners, create our own interpretation or reality of things based on our past experiences. It states learning as an interpretation of the world around us, and our process of creating meaning. A constructivist approach in education is one that emphasizes hands on activities that help students connect to reality and the real world. In contrast to a behaviorist approach, it gives students the opportunity to think on their own, rather than having a teacher guide them through a lesson. Having students work in groups sparks their curiosity and motivation. It fuels the brain to process and work harder. Constructivism prepares students to face difficult situations and teaches them how to resolve them. It focuses on the learner setting goals and trying to reach them. I like constructivism because it stresses attention towards communication and interaction without such focus on the accomplishment of the lesson. It suggests that through assimilation, learners place their experiences into an already existing framework without actually changing the framework. Students will use their already existent perception of the world and combine them with their experiences in order to learn. I think the best way to focus on a students learning is to have them actually learn on their own through interaction and problem solving. Having students attempt and see results on their own is the best way to ensure learning. Constructivism focuses on accommodation as the use of failure leading to learning. We act on the expectation that the world works in one way that we believe. If we see it goes against our beliefs and violates or expectations, we fail, but yet, we learn from it. Constructivism focuses on HOW things happen, not paying much attention to students following the instruction and understanding the lecture. It is an active learning process, which has always been my favorite when it comes to instruction. Constructivism gives students responsibility and motivation towards learning. It makes them responsible for their capacity and speed of learning, depending on their participation and enthusiasm.